Attendance Card
Click here to let us know when you attended our services.
The Calendar contains an up-to-date view of activities happening with the congregation.
The Light Bearer and Sick List
The Light Bearer is our weekly publication that lists current activities, prayer requests, sermon notes, and one our servant’s thoughts for the week. The Light Bearer sick list - password protected for our members only. The monthly prayer list will also be below the bulletin sick lists.
Sermon Audio Request
Sermon Audio Request - If you missed a sermon or found one to be very moving, you can request a copy of it made and we will send it to you.
The Youth Bulletin
The Youth Bulletin - This is our weekly publication of youth happenings, events, and gatherings.
Audio Sermons Bible Class Lessons Response Form - Online version of response cards used to respond to the invitation.
Member Directory
Online Member Directory PDF Version (password protected) email admin for password -